Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Crock pot ribs

Here is what we had for dinner Sunday and Monday...one of our favorites!

This was the most moist pork ribs I've ever had!!! It's made in the crock pot which means you can throw it in there in the morning and forget about it for the rest of the day! Easy and yummy!

Crock pot ribs

Mix together:

1 3/4 cups brown sugar
1/4 cup flour

The add:

1/3 cup water 1/4 cup vinegar
2 tbs ketchup
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp salt

heat and stir until boiling and thickened

Layer ribs (cut to serving size pieces) spooning sauce over each layer. Cover and cook on low all day.


Karen said...

I'm not one of those mom's either! :-)

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic post!! and ha ha at your washing pile.. I got tons too but my 'helpers' don't help with the washing unless its putting dirty (& clean) washing in the wash for me to wash...

What a blessing xx

Cinnamon said...

Your recipe looks yummy~ I will have to try that this week. Thanks for sharing~


Chris@Joyful Mother said...

You always makes such yummy looking food...I'm sure it taste yummy also.

and Yeah...I had to laugh at what you said about the laundry. So very true. I'm the one who does it all...yep me myself and I. The kids don't help unless I ask, beg, threaten...remind. Yep!! You never fail to see me folding clothes every afternoon around 3ish. I said to my mother in law the other day..."Wasn't I here just yesterday folding the same exact shirt, pants...?"

Chris xoxo

Gluten free pumpkin muffins

These fluffy  muffins are gluten free, dairy free  and not overly sweet. The pecans on the top add a nice crunch.  You could also just omit ...