Thursday, April 15, 2010

a converted recipe!

I tried a new recipe the other day found at the American homemaker and I really liked it. I liked it enough and my kids liked it enough that I converted the recipe to gluten and dairy free for myself!

(this picture is not the greatest! There are actually several cookies in the bowl but it looks like one giant mish mash...I promise it looks more appetizing in real life:):)

In a pan melt and bring to a boil:

1/4 cup coconut oil
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup rice milk

remove from heat then stir in until melted and smooth:

1/2 cup peanut butter

stir well and add:

1 3/4 cup gluten free quick oats

Mix well then drop by the tablespoon onto a wax paper lined tray or cookie sheet. Allow to cool completely before serving.

The regular version can be found on the American homemakers site HERE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very neat. Angie, has a lot of neat recipes. That is neat you converted it.

Gluten free pumpkin muffins

These fluffy  muffins are gluten free, dairy free  and not overly sweet. The pecans on the top add a nice crunch.  You could also just omit ...