Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mmmmmmm squash!

This baked squash was served with roast pork loin, potatoes and baked apples! YUM! Did I say YUM?!! :) I simply sliced the squash peel and all into 3/4" slices and layed them in a pan. Next I poured about a 1/4 cup of water into the bottom of the pan and I gave the squash a VERY generous sprinkling of brown sugar and cinnamon. Then I baked it covered in a 375F oven until the squash turned tender. Then I took the cover off and baked it a few minutes longer until the brown sugar kind of caramelized!!! Oh my word was it ever yummy with the pork!! I also prepared the apples in a similar way.

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Gluten free pumpkin muffins

These fluffy  muffins are gluten free, dairy free  and not overly sweet. The pecans on the top add a nice crunch.  You could also just omit ...