Monday, January 3, 2011

~Meat loaf for company~

For when company comes!

~3lb ground beef
~3 eggs
~10 slices of white bread (day old homemade bread works great for this~crusts removed, bread cubed.
~milk~just enough to wet the bread
~1 onion~finely diced
~spices~salt, pepper, garlic powder and paprika to taste
Place cubed bread in a huge mixing bowl and drizzle with just enough milk to make the bread wet but not completely soggy. Dump in all the rest of the ingredients
and mix very thoroughly. I mix it with a wooden spoon first then use my hands.
Dump the meat mixture into a large roasting pan and shape into a log.
Pour about 3/4 cup of water into the bottom of pan and cover. Bake for about 1 hr at 375f. Broil for a few minutes to slightly brown the top if desired. slice and serve. Very moist and delicious. So far everyone that has come over has liked it! Enjoy!

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